Friday, May 4, 2007

The "New" Rutland Layout - Conceptually

Today's version of the layout is as follows. Don't hold me to it 'cuz it changes frequently. The basics are as follows: It is October 1952 in Rutland Vt. The Rutland - MSJ game is four weeks in the future (Rutland will win. I should check this fact.) Anyway the air is crisp, clean and the sky is bright blue. The main layout is 4'x8' representation of Rutland Vermont downtown (as we called it). The Main runs along the front edge of the layout. The Station and passenger platforms are inside of the Main. To the left of the station will be the 90' turntable with the Boiler shop, Roundhouse and Coach / Car Repair shop situated around it. The lead from the station also has the ashpit, coal dock and water tower. There is a spur to the left also for the supply track (oil, sand, coal) and the diesel ready track. To the right of the station will be a spur with the Swift Premium meat plant, Diamond National Lumber (artistic license as Diamond was at the other end of town) and perhaps Duffy Coal (also at the other end of town in reality!). In the space directly behind the station is Depot Park, Merchants Row with the Service Building, the Bardwell Hotel and others whose names I cannot remember. To the right will be Washington St (30 degree angle to Merchants Row) with City Hall and it's park and the Fire Station. Center St. will be at the other end of Merchants Row. As for the railroad - it will travel in an oval around the 4x8 section for the time being. Let me say here that this layout is all about the main classification yard and shops in Rutland. The Main will leave Rutland to left going North and West and to the right going South and East. This part of the layout will be very similar to layout #3 - more detailed than #3 but very similar. I'll post a couple of photos of #3's downtown so you can imagine what the new one will look like.
The next installment will discuss the drop leaf yard and the North and South extensions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Darryl just showed me the site, looks awesome. Right now only people with Google/Blogger accounts can post comments. You should change the setting and allow for anyone to leave a comment. I think you'll find that you get a lot more comments once people start visiting the site if they don't have to log in.